In December of 2019, I got to record a podcast with Dave Asprey. I had a total blast during my interview on Bulletproof Radio and it just went live last Friday. We talked about the importance of continuous glucose monitoring and why you have the right to biohack your body into better health. I think you’ll love the show! Listen here
Since December, a lot has changed in my life. I was feeling very sad about the forest fires in California and in general I had a very strange feeling something was going terribly wrong with San Francisco and the world in general. I told my friends, “Guys, first floods, now more forest fires, I think a plague is coming next!” They told me, “Don’t say that.” But, I had spent 7 months doing research on viral diseases and chronic fatigue syndrome (and at least 5 years on blood sugar monitoring and metabolic dysfunction), and had learned quite a lot about the relationship between viral disease and metabolic disease. “Recent studies have shown that mitochondria play a central role in the primary host defense mechanisms against viral infections, and a number of novel viral and mitochondrial proteins are involved in these processes.” [1]
My research suggested that there was an important relationship between impaired mitochondrial function from our unhealthy, overstressed lifestyles and risk for viral illnesses. Most people do not realize that mitochondria do more than just produce energy. They are involved in cellular signaling and a bunch of other important things. Basically, certain proteins like Mitochondrial Anti-viral Signaling Protein (MAVS) helps mediate innate immunity. Here’s the thing, only 12% of the United States is metabolically healthy, which means many people are living with impaired mitochondria. The way I see it, if your body’s energy supply is reduced or your signaling is impaired, this is like the house experiencing a power outage. Just like alarm systems break down and criminals break into buildings, if your mitochondria don’t work correctly, your immune system malfunctions and intracellular organisms like viruses can invade your cells.
As I mentioned above, near the end of 2019 I had a gut feeling something bad was coming, and I needed to get out of the city for a while to reconnect with myself. I told my friends and family I was going to take a short three-month sabbatical, so I packed my bags and moved to Maui. I spent my Christmas break at a meditation retreat on a nature preserve in Makena. It was the perfect way to end 2019 and begin 2020 fresh. Most people do not realize the power of meditation to transform your consciousness and expand your perspectives. I was able to excavate certain patterns in my life that were not working for me. I also rediscovered that life could be magical and filled with wonder and beauty. I was excited to return to San Francisco and begin teaching at Stanford again. However, before I was about to come back, Covid hit.
A friend of mine in Los Angeles invited me to hunker down in his beautiful house and I had already been told by Stanford that my course would have to be performed via Zoom. It seemed like the perfect setting for a quarantine. So I put on my superwoman cape and flew back to the mainland. I immediately started researching ways that I could do to help people during this challenging time.
I poured myself into tons of research and discovered that there were many doctors, scientists and researchers all over the country performing clinical trials and publishing papers on different plant and pharmaceutical compounds that can help fight Covid. When a lot of supplements were running out of stock on, I decided to create pre-packaged versions single serving packets of my well-researched formulas and launched These supplements are designed to improve your energy, optimize your healthspan and enhance your immunity.
A few weeks into living in LA, and adjusting to the new circumstances I received notice that Stanford had instituted a hiring freeze and I wouldn’t be able to teach. I was crushed because teaching had become one of my favorite things to do. Then it hit me! Even if couldn’t teach at the university, I could turn my course into an online course! I had spent some time with my friend Rachel Webb the founder of And, seeing the success of her work, I was inspired to move from the classroom to the internet to teach. I had a feeling my course was going to be successful because after the first semester I taught it at Stanford in the Spring of 2019, it received the highest ratings from students of all of the courses taught in the entire Wellness Department of the Medical School.
But, I spoke to a friend of mine, Tom Chi (a world expert in rapid prototyping, the creator of a course on the topic, and the inventor of Google Glass), and he told me I should first create a landing page and test my audience to see if there was interest. So that is exactly what I did and you can check it out and sign up to join the email list here: Once the course is ready (likely Summer 2021) I will send you a link to sign up formally.
Given the world circumstances it’s more important than ever to take care of our bodies and minds and learn the secrets of how to live a long and healthy life. I’m excited to share with you all of my discoveries from practicing healthspan extension medicine for the last 10 years and reading thousands of scientific papers on optimal health. I hope you join me to begin your heroes journey with the Healthspan Plan!